metaltech.JPG (22274 bytes)

Up Stencil.jpg (15492 bytes)

mini_Puma200.JPG (8851 bytes)
mini_Cincinnati.JPG (9668 bytes)
mini_Cmm.jpg (8238 bytes)

Movie Props

Deep Impact

Metal Tech made the front spindle and circular collar.  The spindle and collar actually spun!

top.jpg (5241 bytes)

drill2.jpg (27324 bytes)

Neck and wrist rings for spacesuits

This neckring is an exact replica of those worn by the Apollo astronauts and was used in Apollo13, HBO's original From Earth to the Moon, Armageddon, and others.

neckringpic.jpg (17057 bytes)

Scene from Armageddon
neck-armageddon.jpg (17804 bytes)

The real Apollo13 astronauts.

ap13astros.JPG (32045 bytes)



chamber.jpg (13022 bytes)


Wild Wild West

spider.jpg (7318 bytes)


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Last modified: September 20, 2002